Welcome to the ScholarSkills W.O.R.D. Test™.
W.O.R.D. is an acronym for Written Oral Reading Diagnostic Test™.
The W.O.R.D. Test is a crucial tool in identifying and addressing phonological deficiencies in students. It measures how well students translate spoken words into sounds and written words into spoken sounds. Spelling is the ability to translate spoken words into sounds and label each sound with its corresponding letter symbol. Reading is the ability to translate written words into spoken sounds and blend those sounds into a sequence representing the same sequence of letters in the printed word. Since spelling and reading are based on sounds, weaknesses in either area usually result from a deficiency or lack of fluency in processing speech sounds. The W.O.R.D. Test detects sound processing deficiencies and helps parents and teachers determine where the weaknesses exist and how they can be fixed. Though the W.O.R.D. Test is not a standardized or norm-referenced test, it can be used to accurately diagnose the existence or severity of any phonological (sound) core deficiencies.
The W.O.R.D. Test is, therefore, designed to answer the following fundamental questions:
How strong or weak are the student's foundational sound and word processing skills?
If there are deficiencies in the student's foundational literacy skills, where do they exist, how severe are they, and what must be done to remedy them?
The W.O.R.D. Test has two modules:
The Oral Word Spelling Assessment™ and The Oral Word Reading Assessment™.
The Oral Word Spelling Assessment (T.O.W.S.A.)™ measures how well the student can segment spoken words and word parts and write or pronounce them as a series of letters that match the sound sequence in the spoken word.
The Oral Word Reading Assessment (T.O.W.R.A.)™ measures how well the student can convert printed letters, word parts, and words into speech sounds and pronounce them as the coherent spoken sound sequences they represent.
Each module of the W.O.R.D. Test is designed with your convenience in mind. It's divided into sections, each with detailed instructions and downloadable files, making it easy for you to navigate and understand the test.
Since the W.O.R.D. Test measures students' understanding of the relationships between letters and sounds, instructors should review the forty-four phonemes (speech sounds) and the approximately seventy-four ways to write and spell (or translate) those sounds into letters and combinations of letters.