The BDB (Beat Dyslexia Bee) is a developmental literacy bee that inspires and equips kids to overcome reading difficulties such as dyslexia by helping them master phonics, spelling, vocabulary, and grammar through systematic training in the science of reading.
The BDB provides two years of rigorous multisensory training combined with motivational rewards and confidence building competitions to ensure progressive success.
How will kids train and compete? The Beat Dyslexia Bee is a two-year total word mastery tournament that fosters daily, intensive training in a fully interactive online environment. This includes live monthly Zoom teaching and coaching sessions, ensuring that students are actively involved in their learning. They score by doing more and learning more as they progress through instructional videos and mastery assignments with the help of reading coaches. They earn as they learn. Team and individual points are calculated throughout the year, and students compete in round-robin contests to determine who heads to the National Championship at the end of the twelve-month tournament season. The National Championships will be held live at a location TBD and also streamed on social media platforms.
What is the goal of the Beat Dyslexia Bee?
Our mission is to inspire and equip students to think analytically about the structures of sounds, words, and sentences so that they can speak, read, and write with confidence and excellence. The preparation for this competition, which requires students to study etymology, phonology, morphology, analogy, and orthography, is an investment in their future. These linguistic tools will prepare students for success in school and life by helping them understand how words are spelled, spoken, defined, and used.
Our goal is to encourage students to
Bee Sound Smart (or to become phonics-scholars™️)
Bee Word Smart (masters of meanings) and
Bee Sentence Smart (masters of syntax).
Students will have to answer seven questions in different levels of complexity based on their ages and grades. The questions are designed to be fair and appropriate for each student's level of understanding and learning.
How is the word spelled?
Why is the word spelled that way?
How do we say this word?
Why is the word said that way?
What does the word mean?
How did the word get its meaning?
What part or parts can that word play to help us express complete thoughts?